5 Proven Benefits of CBD

1. Aids in relieving Pain and Inflammation

There are a wide range of benefits when using CBD, but the one that stand out among the rest is its capacity to relieve pain and inflammation. Evidence shows that Cannabinoids (CBD) aid in pain modulation by restraining neuronal transmission in pain pathways.

2. Antipsychotic Effects

According to research, one of the CBG benefits is has the ability to inhibit antipsychotic effects. It appears that it contains pharmacological profile similar atypical antipsychotic drugs.

3. Helps fight cancer

There are several scientific reports proving that CBD possess anti-proliferative, pro-apoptotic effects that restrain and control cancer cell migration, adhesion and invasion. In one of the study published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, it shows that CBD effectively and selectively prevent the growth of tumor cells, effective in fighting breast cancer cells, may used in preventing the invasion of lung and colon cancer, and exhibit sufficiently less potency in non- cancer cells.
CBD are seen to be a non-toxic compound and according to some studies made that it can be used for prolonged treatment.

4. Helps in relieving Nausea

For centuries, cannabis has been mainly used in suppressing nausea and vomiting. It has the same effect as THC in getting rid of nausea, but it acts in diphasic manner in which when used in low doses can help suppress toxin-induced vomiting, but may increase nausea if used in high dosage.

5. Treating seizures

In a survey conducted by Stanford University, 16 out of 19 parents of epileptic patients claimed that they noticed reduction in the frequency of their child’s seizure after using cannabidiol-enriched cannabis. Other positive effects noticed were increased alertness and improved sleep; the downside were drowsiness and fatigue.

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